Aevum, the symphonic metal band from Italy is back with their 2020 album Multiverse. I have been a big fan of this band for some time so I was looking forward to this release? Will it be worth the wait?
Yes, of course! This album I was able to get into right away. Most albums don't have the ability to latch on right away and some take many listens for them to get into my head but not with Multiverse. As soon as the opening track, The Pilgrim begins I knew I was in for a great album. The Pilgrim starts off with some beeping, kind of like morse code or something that gives it a quick eerie effect. It quickly goes into the song and I am enjoying it right away. The vocals of Hydra (Denis Tucci) come in and also from Lucille Nightshade (Ilaria Lucille De Santis) as well. The mix of Hydra's vocals and Lucille's operatic singing is a great combination throughout the whole album.
Other members of the group include
Lord of Destruction: guitars (rhythm)
Richard: piano, vocals (growls, backing)
Ian: keyboards
Paul Grey Hunter: bass
Emmanuel la Croix: guitars
Cosimo De Nola: drums
I'm not going to go into a track by track review but the album is top notch between the singing, instrumentation and production. I recommend listening through the whole release in one sitting if you can. I have been doing that ever since the album was released on March 27th, 2020. This will surely be in my top ten list of favorite releases from 2020.
All the songs are great but my highlights are The Pilgrim, Tair, The Time Machine and Seeds. Seeds has a death metal feel to me which is really cool. Aevum mix many different styles into their music so check them out if you are into symphonic metal, progressive metal or death metal. The finale of the album, Cessate Ormani Cessate is a great instrumental track and it wraps up the release very well. I believe there is a violin in the song as well. The song ends with the beeping morse code again to tie it into the opener, The Pilgrim.
Also check out the videos for Tair and The Time Machine. The Time Machine is especially cool as they go through time wearing different outfits and it's an enjoyable watch and listen. Aevum was picked up by DarkTunes Music Group ( so I'm hoping there will be many more great things to come by the band.
Check out Aevum at the following:
And be sure to watch their videos for Tair and The Time Machine:
Yes, of course! This album I was able to get into right away. Most albums don't have the ability to latch on right away and some take many listens for them to get into my head but not with Multiverse. As soon as the opening track, The Pilgrim begins I knew I was in for a great album. The Pilgrim starts off with some beeping, kind of like morse code or something that gives it a quick eerie effect. It quickly goes into the song and I am enjoying it right away. The vocals of Hydra (Denis Tucci) come in and also from Lucille Nightshade (Ilaria Lucille De Santis) as well. The mix of Hydra's vocals and Lucille's operatic singing is a great combination throughout the whole album.
Other members of the group include
Lord of Destruction: guitars (rhythm)
Richard: piano, vocals (growls, backing)
Ian: keyboards
Paul Grey Hunter: bass
Emmanuel la Croix: guitars
Cosimo De Nola: drums
I'm not going to go into a track by track review but the album is top notch between the singing, instrumentation and production. I recommend listening through the whole release in one sitting if you can. I have been doing that ever since the album was released on March 27th, 2020. This will surely be in my top ten list of favorite releases from 2020.
All the songs are great but my highlights are The Pilgrim, Tair, The Time Machine and Seeds. Seeds has a death metal feel to me which is really cool. Aevum mix many different styles into their music so check them out if you are into symphonic metal, progressive metal or death metal. The finale of the album, Cessate Ormani Cessate is a great instrumental track and it wraps up the release very well. I believe there is a violin in the song as well. The song ends with the beeping morse code again to tie it into the opener, The Pilgrim.
Also check out the videos for Tair and The Time Machine. The Time Machine is especially cool as they go through time wearing different outfits and it's an enjoyable watch and listen. Aevum was picked up by DarkTunes Music Group ( so I'm hoping there will be many more great things to come by the band.
Check out Aevum at the following:
And be sure to watch their videos for Tair and The Time Machine: